A 12-week self-mastery journey designed to tap into your higher self, release old limitations and gain the confidence, tools and clear steps required to manifest your dream reality.

Welcome to The Expansion Project, a 12-week journey towards complete self-mastery. This transformative guided journey holds everything that you need to unlock the next-level version of yourself. This program has been meticulously designed to guide you in tapping into your higher self, liberate you from old limitations and foster the confidence necessary to step boldly into your dream reality. With a carefully curated roadmap, each week unveils clear and actionable steps tailored to accelerate your growth. This isn’t just a program, it’s your all-inclusive ticket to self-discovery and expanding your mind to create a life beyond your wildest dreams.

Is this you?

  • Do you have a deep knowing that you’re meant for more, but you don’t know what ‘more’ looks like for you?
  • Are you struggling with feeling like you’re no longer fulfilled in your current career but you don’t know what other path to take?

  • Are you feeling uninspired or unfulfilled in your life and do you long for a deeper sense of purpose? 

  • Are you feeling held back by self-doubt and self-trust to pursue your dreams?

  • Do you feel held back and frustrated by anxiety? 

  • Are you searching for a stronger sense of self-confidence and self-worth?

  • Are you interested in learning how to manifest, tap into your intuition and design a lifestyle that lights you up every single day?

This program IS for you if:

  • You’re feeling ready to begin a transformative journey of self-discovery and finding your soul’s purpose
  • You deeply desire a life of fulfillment, joy and happiness 
  • You have tried different methods and personal development advice but haven’t found the lasting change that you’re looking for 
  • You’re open-minded and willing to learn 
  • You’re committed to taking action, doing the work required and embracing personal and spiritual growth 
  • You desire to create a life that you will one day look back on and be so proud of

This program is NOT for you if:

  • You’re looking for a quick-fix solution and are not ready to invest the time and energy required for long-lasting change 
  • You’re not open to exploring your subconscious programming and experiencing healings 
  • You’re not interested in connecting to your intuition, learning to meditate and use other tools like breathwork to achieve self-mastery 
  • You are happy with your life exactly as it is and don’t desire anything more
  • Personal growth and development is not important to you 
  • You’re close minded and not committed to up-levelling 

I had a deep knowing that there must be more out there for me, but I had no idea what.

I had done all the right things, studied at university, landed my dream role in my dream career but I felt like there was something missing. There was a strong feeling of being trapped by my routine, by my long commutes and my  job title. 

Feeling incredibly lost, I left my career I worked so hard for and went on a long journey of self-discovery to reconnect with myself and what I truly wanted for my life. I discovered I wanted freedom, to experience all that life has to offer and to also master my mindset and emotions. I wanted financial abundance and for my days to be full of joy and variety.  

After spending a lot of time (and a lot of money) on this process and after trying ALL the things, I eventually cracked the code in finding purpose and freedom. I became a certified mindset and manifestation coach so I can safely collapse the time it takes for you to do the same, using powerful subconscious techniques. 

I deeply value freedom and creating a lifestyle that allows me to have control over my time, that creates financial abundance and doesn’t tie me down to one place. Initially in my journey I focused on the financial side of things, but quickly discovered that emotional freedom and mindset is actually the most important part. Within The Expansion Project it’s my intention to find out what freedom means for you, and to lead you towards that feeling. 

I believe life should feel exciting, inspiring and fulfilling. I believe it is possible to live a life of financial abundance, of deep joy and of peace simultaneously. 

There are truly no limits to what you can create. The only limits that exist are the ones that you put on yourself - and I’m here to help you to release them. There is absolute magic waiting for you on the other side. 


A life of deep fulfilment stems from knowing yourself at the deepest level. Your dream life is available to you when you do the deep inner work to move beyond old conditioning.  

Ready to learn how?


A 12-week guided journey designed to help you get to know yourself at the deepest level, move beyond old limitations and towards a life that lights you up. 

The Expansion Project encompasses all of the most effective tools and processes  to expand your mind, to master your emotions and create a life of deep fulfilment and freedom. 

Learn how to become a master of your reality, through training your mind to become magnetic to your deepest desires. 

Apply to join The Expansion Project

The Program

Module 0: WELCOME

Learn how to make the best use of the Expansion Project. In this module you will learn how to access your coaching calls and how to navigate the resources. Learn about the laws of the universe, how the subconscious mind works, gain an understanding of how your nervous system works and experience a regenerative breathwork journey. 


Go on a self-discovery journey to understand yourself at the deepest level. Identify your values and delve into different aspects of your personality. Learn about your human design.


Now that you are clear on who you are at your core, and what truly matters to you, it is time to pinpoint your purpose. Get clarity on your dream life and what is required to create it.


This week is all about creating space in your life to release the old and to make room for new aligned opportunities to come in. You will be guided through a physical, digital, mental and relationships cleanse. Ignite your life-force energy and release anything that is not supportive of you in creating your dream life.


Become a master of your emotions. Learn how to manage and process anxiety and other uncomfortable emotions so you can feel confident in handling any situation that  life throws at you. Learn EFT tapping, breathwork, and other somatic healing tools to support you throughout the rest of your life. 


Learn how to set boundaries and stick to them with confidence. Release worry about what others think about you. Dive into inner-child healing, shadow work and all about the power of self-perception. 


Learn the elements of creating a clear and effective vision and the steps to make it a reality. Learn how to place the goal into your future subconsciously. 


Get crystal clear on who you need to become to step into your higher self and manifest your vision of your dream life. Discover your expanders.


Discover your higher-self habits aligned with your new identity and how to integrate them effortlessly into your life. Learn about the science of habit creation and how these small actions lead to your most abundant reality. 


Learn how to work through triggers, release fear and move through any resistance that comes up as you step into your next-level self. Experience a transformational breathwork journey..


Learn how to utilise the law of expectancy to be in the ultimate state for receiving. Learn how use anchoring techniques to powerfully harness emotional states for manifestation. 


Define what freedom means to you. Access time, location, financial and emotional freedom. Learn about personal branding, creating digital products and earning an income online.


Learn about the law of detachment, surrender and how to work with feminine and masculine energy. Build self-awareness of limiting beliefs as they are arise and become empowered with tools to rewire them. Learn about the power of finding love for the journey. 

When you join The Expansion Project you will receive:

+ 12 Weeks of trainings

Gain Lifetime access to transformative trainings that will guide you in deep self-discovery, reconnecting with your higher self and provide you with the knowledge and tools for personal and spiritual growth 

+12 weeks of workbooks, resources and journal prompts

Each week will have resources and tools to gain clarity around your purpose, heal your subconscious mind and build a deep sense of self-awareness  

1:1 Weekly Coaching Call

In addition to the comprehensive program, you will also have a 1:1 90 minute coaching call with Shae every single week. These calls are an incredibly valuable opportunity to receive personalised support as you move through the program. These calls will be focused around any topic that you would like to focus on and will propel you forward in your growth journey through personalised subconscious reprogramming and empowered coaching. 

1:1 Guided Transformational Breathwork Journey

Within the 12-week journey you will have the opportunity to experience a 90 minute deeply transformational breathwork session, facilitated by Shae. Experience altered states of consciousness, process old traumas and tap into your intuition using the power of your breath. 

You will also receive these bonuses:


  • ONLINE BREATHWORK STUDIO ACCESS: Gain 1 year of access to Shae's online breathwork studio - with breathwork sessions regularly added to the collection

  • EFT TAPPING LIBRARY: Gain 1 year of access to the online EFT healing studio - with EFT sessions tailored to help with a range of different emotions and experiences 

  • LEARN HOW TO MEDITATE IN 30 DAYS COURSE: a 30-day guided journey that will empower you to meditate in silence for 30 minutes by the end. Learn different types of meditation and how to overcome different struggles that may arise. 

  • CREATE A MORNING BREATHWORK PRACTICE COURSE: a 30-day guided journey to create the habit of a morning activation breathwork practice. Experience the powerful shift that a morning breathwork practice can have in your life. 

  • HOW TO MANIFEST COURSE: Learn Shae’s 5-step manifestation blueprint that will empower you to confidently manifest anything you desire. 

  • DEVELOP YOUR INTUITION (BONUS MODULE): Learn how to tap into your intuition and create a stronger sense of trust in yourself 
  • MASTER YOUR MONEY MINDSET (BONUS MODULE): Uncover your money story and rewrite it to call in abundance. Become comfortable with receiving. 

  • TURN YOUR PASSIONS INTO AN ONLINE BUSINESS COURSE: Learn how to turn your passions into income streams online so you can gain control over your time and work from anywhere 

  • VISION BOARD TRAINING: Learn how to effectively create a powerful vision board to manifest your dreams and goals 

*Once you click this button, you’ll be taken directly to the application. You’ll be asked a few questions to see if you’re a good fit and will be given the price of the program. If you're the right fit for The Expansion Project, I'll reach out to you within 48 hours and discuss next steps for enrolment.

Chloe Foskett

I would 100% recommend everyone to work with Shae if they are starting out/working on their self-growth journey. Her energy and passion around mindset, meditation and manifestation is unmatched.

You know she cares and loves what she does as she makes you feel like you can do big things, you can reprogram your subconscious, it’s so exciting and refreshing!

Paige Lyall

Shae created the most beautiful hypnosis for me. It was centred around confidence building which is something I have struggled with in certain areas of my life. It was something like I had never experienced. I meditate very regularly but I haven’t sunk that deep into a meditative state so quickly before! It felt empowering, connecting, exciting & I left feeling confident and sure of myself. 

I can confidently say that Shae's hypnosis has improved my confidence in certain areas of my life and I am SO grateful to her for this.  Shae is one of a kind & you will absolutely leave a better person after working with her

Nayomi Sivasubramaniam

I wasn't sure whether it was for me, but keep your mind open and give it a shot. I promise you won't be disappointed.

Shae is a wonderful soul and her passion for her craft really shines through. I felt so safe and in such good hands the whole time. For the first time in a while, I felt seen. Highly recommend starting the journey!

It's time to make a change. 

Those who create a life of deep fulfillment, abundance, and joy do so because they give themselves exactly what they need to reach their vision. 

It’s easy to get caught up in the daily grind and forget that you have the power to create the life you truly want. 

If reaching your full potential and building the life you know on a deep level is meant for you, has been on your mind for too long, now is your time.

The power to decide is yours. Take loving action now. The most magical life is waiting for you. 

The Expansion Project is an intensive and intimate process designed to create profound and long-lasting change. This means I can only take on a limited number of clients.  You will be working directly with me  - this is not a DIY course or a surface-level temporary-fix program. This is an all-in devoted coaching program where we go deep in creating your most expansive life - meaning only a few clients are accepted each round.The Expansion Project program is application-based - only those who are truly committed to their personal growth and expansion are accepted. If you believe you’re ready, click the button below and apply. Within 48 hours you will be contacted and if you’re the right fit we can get you enrolled. 

Apply Now

*Once you click this button, you’ll be taken directly to the application. You’ll be asked a few questions to see if you’re a good fit and will be given the price of the program. If you're the right fit for The Expansion Project, I'll reach out to you within 48 hours and discuss next steps for enrollment.